Monday, December 27, 2010

Interview with Trodemus -- Savannah Prophecies pt. 1 of 10

Will Trodemus Explain Himself?

Back in September of 2010, (before the Haunted House of Doom) I sat down with Trodemus: Prophet of Doom and interviewed him about the strange prophecies he made back in 2007 in Savannah to find out exactly what it all meant!

Joshua Dyson: Ok, Trodemus, let’s start at the beginning. Before you made any prophecies at all, you claimed to kidnap Mr. Peepers. What was that all about?

Trodemus: BAH! The Prophet of Doom never kidnapped Mr. Peepers! I merely found his blog one day and took over! I changed his password so he was unable to get into his account for some time! The Prophet of Doom needed to get the blog readers’ attention, so I pretended to kidnap Peepers!

Joshua Dyson: Well, that explains some things. It did seem a bit strange that Mr. Peepers just randomly showed up on his blog again with no comments at all about being kidnapped. Now, let’s talk about your first prophecy.”

Trodemus: [sighs] If we must.

Joshua Dyson: You gave your first Savannah prophecy on February 28, 2007. In the first line, you stated, "Now, even as I type, a change is coming. Powerful forces ride forth from beyond, bent on changing all that we know." What were the powerful forces you referred to?

Continues next week, Monday January 3, 2011

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