Lubber was missed at Lawrence Reynolds
Continued from Monday February 21, 2011
Last time, Trodemus revealed the identities of the Seven Indviduals he spoke of in his prophecies. Adala, Abbey, Mimi, Anka, Johnny, Stan, and Trodemus himself made up the “Seven.” Trodemus then said there was one other…an eighth individual who rounded out this unique group of employees at Lawrence Reynolds Publications. His name was Lubber, and this is his story…
Josh: So who is this “Lubber” person?
Trodemus: His name was Joe, Joe Lubber. Of all of the Eight, Lubber questioned Lawrence Reynolds Publications more than anyone else. More so than even Trodemus himself! It cost him, as he was eventually let go for being too pushy about the way things were run.
Josh: So tell us more about him. What was Lubber all about?
Trodemus: Much like Doom, Lubber believed in all things supernatural. He sensed that there is a world beyond this one…possibly one populated by fairies, dwarves, dragons, and other such beasts. Of all the people Doom worked with at Lawerence Reynolds, Lubber was his closest friend! Trodemus would often go over to his house on weekends and play Dungeons and Dragons with him!
Peepers: Peepers think Lubber was Trodemus’ boyfriend! Hehehe
Trodemus: Be silent, Peepers! You know not of what you speak! Lubber and I were good friends, and we hit it off so well! I shared my knowledge of the supernatural with him, and he shared his knowledge of supernatural fiction! The two are not much different, y’know. There is only a small space between supernatural truth and supernatural fiction! Lubbber was Trodemus’ best friend in Savannah, and he would have made a great apprentice to Doom!
Josh: Well, what became of him, and what did he do to get released from Lawrence Reynolds?
Trodemus: Lubber was known to be a non-stop talker, but unlike Mimi and Anka, his words were valueable! Judith Reynolds, who was the beast Trodemus describes in his prophecies, didn’t like that Lubber continued to talk constantly at work. She also didn’t like that he continued to question the way things were run at the company. She eventually asked him to leave, after making him miserable with loads of work.
Trodemus: Lubber was known to be a non-stop talker, but unlike Mimi and Anka, his words were valueable! Judith Reynolds, who was the beast Trodemus describes in his prophecies, didn’t like that Lubber continued to talk constantly at work. She also didn’t like that he continued to question the way things were run at the company. She eventually asked him to leave, after making him miserable with loads of work.
Josh: So, we now know a lot about Lubber, but can you tell us about this drawing of the Mutated Paper Mill Red-Bellied Cat with Blue Gas? What was all that about, and why do I see the handwriting of someone else on there with you?
Trodemus: Ahh such warm memories come up when I think about that drawing. The Mutated Paper Mill Red Bellied Cat was created by me out of boredom at work. Trodemus drew on countless sticky notes during his time at Lawerence Reynolds. This particular drawing ended up being a way to flirt with Mimi. Mimi was always proofing our work, and had access to a red pen, so it is her writing in red on the drawing.
Peepers: Trodemus flirt with lady but not get no lovin’ from her--EVER! Peepers see it!
Trodemus: Yes it is true, all attempts to get with Mimi failed. Had the situation been different, and Mimi had been a little heavier, then perhaps Doom would have REALLY made a go for her! However, Trodemus was not fully aware of his love of BBW’s during this time, so back then, he was confused! Hmm perhaps Mimi has increased her size at this point? Should Doom look her up? Nah--Belinda is Trodemus’ love now!
Josh: So what’s this Flightcheck Eagle drawing about?

Trodemus: The Flightcheck is a program we used in graphic design to check documents for errors. It’s mascot was an eagle. The drawing depicts the eagle taking a break! Nothing profound there.
Josh: So, last question…what about the Purple Bird Prophecy?
Trodemus: You know the answer to that, Josh. The Purple Bird originates, or at least is celebrated, in your hometown!
Josh: Ah, I see.
Trodemus: So, that covers the prophecies Doom made during 2007 in Savannah. The Prophet of Doom would like to say that he misses all his friends from Lawrence Reynolds Publications, especially Lubber! He wishes them all well, wherever they are at this time! Now, Trodemus must go, for he has the present to be concerned with! He has a Haunted House of Doom to create! That is all!
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