The Lawrence Reynolds Building
is near City Hall
Last time, Trodemus finally agreed to talk about his job in Savannah in 2007 as a yes man, and how it relates to his prophecies. He revealed that he started working as a graphic designer for a company known as Lawrence Reynolds Publications, and that he worked for the daughter of the owner, Judith Reynolds. Trodemus said he stood out because it was an office full of women!
Josh: So what was Judith Reynolds about to make you do that made your job in an office full of women so horrible?
Trodemus: At first, it wasn’t so bad, but Judith, who was pregnant at the time, began coming in and sharing pregnancy stories with the women! Doom was forced to listen to her go on about pregnancy and child-rearing! Eventually, Judith would ask the Prophet of Doom to offer a man’s perspective, and Doom did just that!
Josh: Uh oh…
Trodemus: The Prophet of Doom looked into her future and the future of her child, and shared some alarming news. Her child would be cross-eyed and have a deformity that made him walk with a limp!
Mr. Peepers: Hehe
Trodemus: Judith, who was not used to hearing people truly voice their opinion, was shocked! She got upset with Doom, and said that I should not offer anymore opinions if I wanted to keep my job! It was hell, keeping quiet, because I had forgotten to tell her that her new son would also be half African-American! Seems that an affair she was having with her groundskeeper would have some lasting reprecussions!
Josh: Ok, so you’ve given us a complete picture of what was going on. So, how do the prophecies relate and what do they mean?
Trodemus: The Prophet of Doom was getting to that! See, Trodemus could not speak out at work, so he decided to use Peepers’ blog to vent his frustration online! Trodemus knew that some of his co-workers were on some social networking sites, so he knew they would read it! So Trodemus is about to go through each prophecy and explain their meaning to you! Prepare yourself!
Continues next week, Monday February 14, 2011
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