Shortly after arriving in the Shit Pitt, the redneck brothers, Billy G, Wilbur, and Trevor, along with their newly-discovered brother, J-"Junior" Diddy Hydrick, would discover that their dead grandmother's body was no longer in the grave! How this discovery was possible (they were in a new universe and the old Ink Pitt from which they originated was no more)is still uncertain. However, the rednecks somehow knew that Grandma Hydrick was no longer in the grave, and concluded that she had been dug up. After a lot of accusations, Trevor Hydrick decided Billy G. was the culprit!

"Well here ah am, Trevor Hydrick, eldest of the Hydrick brothers, typin' this here blog on the computer. Feelin' a little bit queer sittin' here riting 'bout mah feelin's, but ah guess it's ok since nobody gives a damn 'bout reeding this crap anyway! Well, anyway, I outsmarted mah brother, Billy G, the other day, finally gettin' him to admit that he wuz the one dug Grandma Hydrick up out the cold ground and took her body. We been searching for her body an who dunnit for munths. He finally admitted it by being nice to Rufus, the retard who I wuz intearigatin' the other day. Only a gilty old cuss would stop sumbodee from intearigatin' a retard like Rufus. Rufus is a good kid, but sumtimes ya gotta be a little meen to his "kind." Brybed him with chocolate. New Billy G would go soft and admit he done dug grandma up. Still don no where the bodee is though. Gotta beat it out of him I guess. Tortering him by locking him in the bathroom with Wilbur (our truck driving brother, who is often backed up) while he was takin' a crap sure didnt get him to talk. Our rappin' brother Junior wasn't sucksessfull either, even after makin' Billy G listen to that crap rap music. No we gotta do sumthing relly bad to get Billy G. to tell us wear that bodee is. Gunna do it tomorrow."
The Classic Pitt Report updates five days a week on this blog!
All characters, stories, photos, and performances are
All characters, stories, photos, and performances are
(C) Copyright 2011 Joshua Dyson
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