Trodemus smells "ROTTENESS!!"
"Ahh yes, tonight the Prophet of Doom has your Sunday evening prophecy...Those who were present for the lucky moment will notice that changes are occuring, though they will not be fully aware what is happening. The one who leads the heiress to her destiny is completely oblivious to the change that is about to take place. This one is a fool, and does not see beyond it's own spoiled rotteness. Rotting indeed...it's rotteness smells to the familar Presence that the Prophet spoke of before. It smells, and is an offense to its nose. The rotteness will be struck down with a mighty blow, and it will never recover! The beast, who serves the rotteness, will also be smitten with a plague that shall counter the sickness that beast plans to spread on its minions. Then shall the Rotteness and the Beast be no more. All that will be left is the Core which gives them their power. The Core thinks that it will escape with its evil machinations, but the Prophet is here to cry loudly that such is simply not the case!! For I have seen far into the future, when this Core grows weak and feeble, and it's power dwindles. In the south whence it came, it is struck down and DIES!!! NO MORE SHALL THIS CORE TORMENT ANYONE UPON THE EARTH! SO SPEAKS TRODEMUS, PROPHET OF DOOM!!!"
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(C) Copyright 2010 Joshua Dyson