Originally posted on my first blog, on May 19, 2009
Blacktoes cursed Doom! |
Show 1 (New Ink Pitt) Psychic Parlor Property Rights pt. 2 of 6:
Chief Blacktoes' wardance
Black Doom complained once again today of being disturbed from his sleep by Chief Blacktoes, who claims that the new psychic parlor where Stardust has placed Doom is resting on an old Indian burial ground. Doom said that early this morning Blacktoes was outside performing a wardance. Doom went out and told him to leave because he didn't care about any dead Indians. He told Blacktoes to either go back to whatever reservation he came from or maybe he should go off and get ready for another Indian summer camp like the one he hosted in the original Ink Pitt back in the summer of 2005. Blacktoes finally left, but told Doom that he would be cursed because he would not leave the Indian burial ground. Doom joked later about the fact that he's already cursed, having to wear a cowl on his head and cover up his ugly mug. Doom was then visited by Stardust, who asked again why Doom wasn't happy with his "beautiful" new place. Doom said it was because it had strings attached. Stardust just ignored Doom's complaints and told him to go down to K-Mart and get some decor from the Martha Stewart collection, using her famous line "it's a good thing." Doom said he'd tried using his powers to escape this new Ink Pitt with no success. Stardust said it was useless and that Doom and Blacktoes were stuck there.
Show 2 (Shit Pitt) Timeslide pt. 2 of 12: Tulmultous Timeslide
Homeless Johnny Pizzazz! |
Hands of Time was all nuts again today, saying he had just woken up from another "lost time" episode, or "timeslide" as he is now calling it. He found himself in an alley, not really sure where or when he was. The answer would come when he tripped over the leg of the now homeless Johnny Pizazz. Pizazz was looking like he was at the end of his rope, drinking what he thought was alcohol from a glass bottle. Hands of Time couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. He asked Pizazz why he looked the way he did. Once Pizazz recognized Hands of Time, he told him that he'd been missing for around 6 months, and that it was now December 2009 in the Shit Pitt! Hands of Time had timeslid 6 months into the future!! Pizazz wished him a merry Christmas, and said that his magician act had gone under and now he was out of work and homeless. His trademark microphone was missing, and Pizazz thought a roll of toilet paper was his mic! When he realized it wasn't, he told Hands of Time that he had been using his mic as a place to pee, and then we he got really thirsty, he drank his own pee out of it! Hands of Time was very freaked out by the fact that one of his greatest opponents in the whole Pitts Apart affair had sunk so low. He was even more freaked out by the fact that he had missed 6 months! He started shouting, "Who's doing this to me? I'm the Hands of Time! I can't miss time!" He then ran off, leaving the downtrodden Pizazz behind.
All characters, stories, photos, and performances are (C) 2014 Joshua Dyson
The characters portrayed in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental