Cover to an adult fantasy story I'm working on...Curse of the Sorceress
The story is written by someone else, but I will be illustrating the seven pages. This is really my first time working at such length on a project with someone else. I've done character sketches, the cover, and I'm currently working on page one. The story should be fun to illustrate, featuring lots of nudity (yay) and other fun stuff. Curse of the Sorceress is basically the story of Prince Gregory, who is um..cursed by a sorceress...a sorceress whose costume, thanks to my character design skills, is still traditional but also very 2010. To see the costume, you will have to go to my Deviant Art page at http://awerty7.deviantart.com because she is buck naked on that cover as you can see! Gregory has some kind of curse that the sorceress put on him that manifests itself in the form of an ugly chest tattoo. No, he wasn't drunk and got a tattoo...he really is cursed and the tattoo is mystic! Anyway, the tattoo flares up and makes him want to choke women...even the ones he's having sex with! As of now, I'm not really sure when we will release this project. I will be finishing it all up in the next few weeks hopefully though.
Artwork (C) Copyright 2010 Joshua Dyson
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