Sunday, September 26, 2010

Curse of the Sorceress Cover

Cover to an adult fantasy story I'm working on...Curse of the Sorceress

The story is written by someone else, but I will be illustrating the seven pages. This is really my first time working at such length on a project with someone else. I've done character sketches, the cover, and I'm currently working on page one. The story should be fun to illustrate, featuring lots of nudity (yay) and other fun stuff. Curse of the Sorceress is basically the story of Prince Gregory, who is um..cursed by a sorceress...a sorceress whose costume, thanks to my character design skills, is still traditional but also very 2010. To see the costume, you will have to go to my Deviant Art page at because she is buck naked on that cover as you can see! Gregory has some kind of curse that the sorceress put on him that manifests itself in the form of an ugly chest tattoo. No, he wasn't drunk and got a tattoo...he really is cursed and the tattoo is mystic! Anyway, the tattoo flares up and makes him want to choke women...even the ones he's having sex with! As of now, I'm not really sure when we will release this project. I will be finishing it all up in the next few weeks hopefully though.

Artwork (C) Copyright 2010 Joshua Dyson

The Pitt Report

The Pitt Report, as featured on

New Ink Pitt--Dealing with the Dupes pt. 4 of 12: “Targeting Manly Man Yellow”
After the attempted assassination of the Manly Man Gaymerica, the five Manly Men went their separate ways in the hope of throwing off their would-be assassin by forcing him to hunt each one individually. Manly Man Safari had Billy G to protect him, but he still got shot in the ass. Now, the Manly Man Yellow, proud former ambASSador of the Manly Man Gaymerica, was wayy too flamboyant to hide from anything. In fact, since the Manlies split, Yellow had been the only one to actually stay out in the open, basking in the sunlight that mirrored the color of his outfit! Yellow had used the absence of Gaymerica to make himself into a star! He had already become a motivational speaker, and now wanted to become a stand-up comic. He referenced his smiling yellow face as the reason he wanted to get into the business. With a face like that, he was practically a living smiley face! Everything about him screamed humor--or at least that’s what he told everyone. When the would-be assassin, the real Manly Man showed up, Yellow was actually in the middle of his first stand-up routine in a club. The Manly Man sat in the back, marveling that one his dupes had become a performer! He then felt a bit threatened. “There is no way you can be better than the original Man Princess, Sugar!“ However, before he shot at him, Manly Man wanted to at least see if Yellow was any good or not. So he listened. The Manly Man Yellow delivered a set up, “So I’m gay…” followed by a punch line. “…that means my significant other has the same parts I do!” The audience was silent. Yellow continued. “So what do you do when your mate has the same parts? Simple…you comapre them!” Silence. “Which leads to a lot of arguments, let me tell ya! My boyfriend says his is bigger, and then I say mine is bigger, and we go back and forth like that.” The Manly Man cringed. Manly Man Yellow was awful! His jokes absolutely sucked, and it needed to end fast! Manly Man drew Officer Bates’ pistol. “Sorry, Yellow, this show is over!” Manly Man fired off a shot, which hit Yellow right in the leg and knocked him off his feet! He couldn’t do stand-up if he couldn’t stand..hopefully. Manly Man giggled and then ran out of the club. He almost got caught by security, but he managed to dodge them and escape through a rear exit. Manly Man was spotted, but would anyone be able to distinguish him from the other Manlies? Once outside, Manly Man found safety in an alley. Once again, he had failed in killing one of his duplicates. It seemed that now he was just out to prove to them that he was the original Manly Man and they were all fakers! He no longer had any intent to kill them. “Ooo once I’ve left my mark on all my naughty duplicates, then I will reveal myself to them, and reveal the plans I’ve had since arriving here in the New Ink Pitt!” He then ran off, in search of his next target!

The Pitt Repot now updates every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights!
All characters, stories, and performances are (C) Copyright 2010 Joshua Dyson